Subscription Box vs Smart Parcel Box

With subscription boxes becoming more and more popular, the staff at Smart Parcel Box have received more and more questions relating to what can fit in our parcel boxes. “Will you keep my subscription parcel away from the rain?” “Will my subscription box even fit?”

So, we thought we’d take a closer look at these subscription boxes and give you your answers! A lot of subscription sites we visited didn’t have this information readily available, so we did a bit of investigating on your behalf…

weatherproof post boxes
Our range of weatherproof delivery boxes

Subscription Box #1: Books That Matter

We spoke to Books That Matter about their subscription box, and they divulged that the boxes they sent out were the same size (approximately) as an A4 piece of paper. That would be around 210mm x 297mm. The depth of this box will always vary depending on the books being sent out. However, we think our Large Smart Parcel Box will have any fellow bookworms covered nicely!

Did you know: All of our Smart Parcel Boxes come with an anti-phishing bar. This means your subscription boxes and other parcels will be as protected as possible.

Box #2: Whisky Me

If you’re a fan of whisky, then whisky-me is the service for you! With their single pouch subscription box, you parcel will be 102 mm x 152mm. This makes your subscription box perfect for the Medium Parcel Box! All of our Smart Parcel Boxes are durable as well as weather and rust-resistant, so there won’t be any soggy packages awaiting you when you return home.

Subscription Box #3: TASTE Cocktails

TASTE cocktail subscription box
Image courtesy of TASTE Cocktails.

We spoke to the customer service team over at TASTE Cocktails about the boxes they offer, and were advised that their boxes won’t fit through a letterbox. The big cocktail kit boxes measure approximately H: 11 x W: 5 x D: 2.5 inches.

That translates to approximately 279.4 mm x 127 mm x 63.5 mm. Looks like it’s another subscription box winner for the Medium Parcel Box! As always, our Smart Parcel Boxes are the perfect way to avoid those infamous “sorry we missed you” cards, along with another unnecessary trip to the Post Office or distribution centre. Think of how much petrol could be saved…

💡 Top Tip: Want a quick overview of the largest delivery box we offer? Check out this blog!

Box #4: ScrawlrBox

large smart parcel box
Large Parcel Box

If you’re an art-fan with the ever-occuring need for more art supplies, then you’ve probably heard of ScrawlrBox. Usually filled with everything, from paper and sweet treats, to art supplies and prints, these handy subscription boxes have become more and more popular over lockdown. But will they fit in your Smart Parcel Box? Let’s take a look…

A helpful team member over at ScrawlrBox was kind enough to let us know that their boxes measure approximately H: 220mm x W: 230mm x D: 25mm. Art fans, it looks like the Large Smart Parcel Box is the one for you.

💡 Top Tip: Don’t see your favourite subscription box here? Simply check the “Max Parcel Size” available under the “Product Specifications” section against the measurements of your box.

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